Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Hello Around the World

I have always been intrigued by other languages and the beautiful sound of voices from so many different cultures.    I wanted to write a song for children that brings different cultures together in a common way - by how we greet each other.  Every one says "Hello" in some way in their culture.  I chose to write a song where children can repeat the word "hello" in a different language.

As I shared my newest original "Hello Around the World" with the students at Uncle Sam's this week, I marveled at their ability to repeat and remember all the different languages.   One little boy in the Pre-K, Landon - was so bright that he even pointed out in my original version of the song, I failed to include the Polish version of "hello," which happens to be "Czesc."   Who knew?!   Well, apparently Landon did and called me on it!   So, thanks to Landon, the Polish population have been properly represented in this song.    I hope you enjoy!

Hello Around the World
By: Denise Forney

Oh, the world is becoming a smaller place
Everywhere we go
Anywhere that we might travel
We can say “hello”

We say, “Hola” (repeat - Oh-lah) to my friends in Spanish
We say, “Bonjour” (repeat - bohn-zhoor) to my friends in French
We say, “Hejsan” (repeat - HEY-sun) to my friends in Swedish
We say, “Ni hao” (repeat - nee how) to my friends in Chinese

Oh, the world is becoming a smaller place
Everywhere we go
Anywhere that we might travel
We can say “hello”

We say, “Jambo” (repeat – JAHM-boh) to my friends in Swahili
We say, “Aloha” (repeat – Aloha to my friends in Hawaiian
 “Konnichiwa” (repeat Ko-nee-chee-wa) to my friends in Japanese
We say, “Czesc” (repeat - Chesht) to my friends in Polish

Oh, the world is becoming a smaller place
Everywhere we go
Anywhere that we might travel
We can say “hello”
We say Annyong” (repeat – ahn-yohng) to my friends in Korean                                         
We say “Privet” (repeat – preev-YET) to my friends in Russian                                 
We say “Namaste” (repeat nah-MUS-stay) to my friends in Hindi
and “Shalom) (repeat sha-lome) to my friends in Hebrew

Oh, the world is becoming a smaller place
Everywhere we go
Anywhere that we might travel
We can say “hello” 
We can say "hello"

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